IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) Photofacial in Dewey, AZ

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What is IPL?

Women and men who are concerned about the appearance of sun damage or pigmentation in their complexion can be great candidates for intense pulsed light (IPL) treatments at Quad City Medical Aesthetics. A photofacial with IPL is a rejuvenating treatment for hyperpigmentation issues on the face and neck. The Harmony XL PRO laser sends intense pulses of light to engage the natural regeneration process and boost the production of collagen, the building block for healthy skin. As the added nutrients take effect, you should see a healthier complexion, an enhanced tone, and decreased areas of hyperpigmentation. Contact our Dewey, AZ team for a consultation to determine if this service can help renew your skin.

IPL faq

How much does IPL cost?
Your skin is unique so the cost of IPL therapy will vary based on your specific goals. During your aesthetic consultation, we can estimate your treatment cost and explain the number of visits needed to help you reach your goals. Also, please ask us about any special offers on treatments, which we have periodically.

How quick are the results from IPL?
Some skin improvements are usually noticed after each treatment with Harmony XL PRO technology, but the best results are typically seen a month after your last treatment. It is common for your skin to respond differently to every session.

What are the possible side effects of IPL?
Most men and women experience minor side effects, such as temporary swelling, redness, bruising, blisters, or crusting. These symptoms subside within a day or two after the procedure. Your skin will be photosensitive, and excessive sun exposure can negatively impact your results. We recommend using sunscreen or keep the area covered if in direct sunlight to help avoid skin problems, including redness.

Do I need to prep for IPL?
Patients are typically asked to avoid sun exposure and self-tanners for about two weeks prior to the appointment. You might need to discontinue the use of minocycline, tetracycline, doxycycline, or Retin-A/Renova a few days prior to each appointment, and we may recommend that you avoid taking blood thinners and anti-inflammatory medications roughly a week before your treatment to help prevent developing bruises. A plan based on your prescribed treatments will be discussed during your consultation.

Why should I get multiple IPL sessions?
We recommend getting a series of IPL treatments to produce gradual improvements to your skin. Every session helps to reduce sun spots and hyperpigmentation. Multiple sessions also produce longer-lasting aesthetic outcomes.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.